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Selectboard Agenda 10/03/2018

DATE: October 3, 2018

TIME:  6:00 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall Annex, Large Room

REQUESTED BY:  Richard Bisk, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for September 13th and 17th  

Release of Executive Session Minutes (Phase 1 – 2016 minutes that can be released)

Public Comment
Residents may address the Selectboard on matters of interest to the public for up to three (3) minutes.

Old Business
  • Charter Update (5 min. est.)
  • Town Administrators FY’19 Goals (5 min. est.)
  • Roundtable Meeting in Holden on 9/11 regarding WRSD FY20 Budget – Ratify letter (5 min. est.)
New Business
  • Planning Board Report on Marijuana Issues for Princeton (10 min. est.)
  • Facilities Steering Committee Phase II:
  • Discuss charge as requested by Member Cruise on 9/17
  • Discuss email by Mr. Matt Lindburg on 9/25
  • Discuss email by Mr. Richard Chase on 9/27
  • Code of Conduct for Committee’s (10 min. est.)
  • Communication with Residents (10 min. est.)
  • Authorize TA to sign grant contracts (1 min. est.):
  • Community Compact Grant for EMT Training for Police Officers
  • FY19 Earmark from State to defray costs for Bagg Hall, Annex
  • State Election Warrant – Vote & Sign (1 min. est.)
  • Appoint Election Officers (1 min. est.)
  • Appoint Open Space Committee member (1. min. est.)
  • Senior Tax Work-Off Appointments (1 min. est.)
  • Rescind Acceptance of Resignation (Assistant Treasurer/Collector & Executive Assistant) (1 min. est.)
  • Accept Notices of Resignation (Alternate Building Inspector & Historical Commission member) (1 min. est.)
  • Accept Disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest (1 min. est.)

Town Administrator’s Reports

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21 (30 min. est.):
Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Police Chief

October 4th                             Communication Mtg.      8:30 AM Town Hall Annex
October 11th                    Communication Mtg.      8:30 AM Town Hall Annex
*October 17th           Regular Meeting         6:00 PM Town Hall Annex

*Note: Regular Selectboard meetings have moved to every other Wednesday at 6 PM.